Happy As Aimee Illustration

My photo
Birmingham, United Kingdom
You can view my portfolio at any time by following the link bellow


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Bear Clowns

Since working in the print room, i've been experimenting a lot more. This particular Print was created with two colours, but using those two to create a third. So in this image, I'm using the red and blue to create a purple.

The image its self is from my new book I'm working on. It's a book of circus animals, and is very close to completion now! (though its taking longer than i would've liked)

I'm happy with how the image turned out, but there were a few problems with the screen which meant a few of the prints didn't turn out as well as the others. This is how it turned out.

Clown Bears 2

Clown Bear Print

you can see more at my Flickr page

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