Happy As Aimee Illustration

My photo
Birmingham, United Kingdom
You can view my portfolio at any time by following the link bellow


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Couple of pics from my stuff at Created in Birmingham!!

I think it's only open for another couple of weeks, so everyone should get down there soon and check it out! :)

Created In Birmingham 7

Created In Birmingham 4

Created In Birmingham 1

More pictures at my Flickr page

Bird Print

Another little bit of a play. For this image i used the paper to to create the outline of the bird. It's also only A5 size, which i thought worked nice with the image. The Bird is a bit too cutesy to be blown up real big.

Bird Print

finished Bird Print

You can see more at my Flickr page

Bear Clowns

Since working in the print room, i've been experimenting a lot more. This particular Print was created with two colours, but using those two to create a third. So in this image, I'm using the red and blue to create a purple.

The image its self is from my new book I'm working on. It's a book of circus animals, and is very close to completion now! (though its taking longer than i would've liked)

I'm happy with how the image turned out, but there were a few problems with the screen which meant a few of the prints didn't turn out as well as the others. This is how it turned out.

Clown Bears 2

Clown Bear Print

you can see more at my Flickr page


This is the minotaur logo i drew for Gnargore. If I'm honest, the idea came from Boys brain. The drawing was inspired by mainly by taxidermy and Arnie.


I printed the image up as a kind of poster too. The boys like it, so that makes me happy.

minogore print 1

minogore print 2

gnargore fin print

It was really cool drawing this, it was a nice change from what i'd usually draw, and its probably encouraged me to try out some different things.

You can see more images at my Flickr page

My Centaur

It is perfectly ok to draw a picture of your boyfriend as a Centaur for his christmas present if it's what he wants!! This is what i came up with...

Centaur Babe 1

Centaur Babe 2

PS. Of all i got him... I think he was genuinely happiest with this!!

The Unicorn :O

This is a little sketch i did. It's set to be the inspiration for a book i'm gonna work on soon, an adventure book with lots of odd characters... including this guy... The Unicorn.


What a bandana eh?...
