Happy As Aimee Illustration

My photo
Birmingham, United Kingdom
You can view my portfolio at any time by following the link bellow


Thank you


A Friend of mine Tom, a photographer, approached me and asked me to do a kind of collaboration with him. He was doing a photo shoot for a new band called Muchuu. He wanted some illustrations to accompany the photos he had already taken.

The images were very dark, so i decided that the illustrations would be better done in white. They were also taken outside, which gave me a lot of ideas of what I could do with them. I played with idea of nocturnal animals, day time/night time, but in the end i went with the theme of outside/inside. Using basic outlines created by the 'outside' objects i drew some 'inside' objects and lay them on top.

Muchuu 01 Muchuu Illustration 01

Muchuu 02

Muchuu Illustration 04

See the rest here

Origami Catalogue

This is a folding Catalogue i Made for Mouldy Loaf. It works like one those origami folding games you'd make as a kid. i wish i knew what the official name was! haha.

feel fee to print it out, and try making one for yourself. :)

Folding Flyer

Loaf man colour

Urban Outfitters

At my Final Degree Show i was approached by Urban outfitters, they asked if i'd like to have some of my work up in their store! To which i replied.. "Of Course!" They'd asked my friend James too (he's a phtographer), and it went really well! I used my 'Inspirational Hair' Images, but played around with the colour schemes, made them brighter and such, to fit in more with the Aesthetic of the shop.

Orange Hair

Red Hair

You can see the rest of them here


Hello, just so you know you can view my portfolio at any time now from my flickr page. There is also a link to it at the top of this page.

Butterbooks - for Spaghetti Junction Magazine

Body Parts 01
BodypArts 01 - for Draw With Your Knees

Yeti - Personal Project for Zine

You can see more of my work, portfolio and books on my Flickr Page
